Open Campus 2017
Apr 14 , 2017

Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences and Doctoral Program in Sustainable Environmental Studies organizes an Open Campus at the University of Tsukuba. This would be a great opportunity for prospective students to get more information of our programs and meet our faculty staff.
Reservation is not required.

Date: May 13, 2017 (SAT)

Time: 13:00 – 17:00

Place: Room507&508 2B Building, University of Tsukuba

Access: Please see a link here.


13:00 Message from Chiar of Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences
13:05 Curriculum description
13:15 Explanation of entrance examination
13:25 Introduction of Special Program
・Sustainability Science, Technology and Policy (SUSTEP) Program
・Expert Program of Environmental Management and Prognosis of Nuclear Emergencies (ENEP)
・UT-MJIIT Joint Degree Program
・The Master Degree Program of Mountain Studies
13:40 Experience story by students
13:50 Question-and-answer session
14:00-17:00 Introduction of laboratories (Poster session)