
Supervision :Programs that faculty members can supervise.
Cooperative Cooperative Graduate School
(*)・・・Secondary Supervision
Name Position Supervision Specialization
ASADA Yohei Assistant Professor Master/Doctor(*) Rural environmental engineering/Planning
ASANO Maki Assistant Professor Doctor(*)
ASANUMA Jun Professor Master/Doctor Hydrometeorology, Water Control Science
ENOMAE Toshiharu Professor Master/Doctor
HIROTA Mitsuru Professor Master/Doctor Carbon cycle and greenhouse gases (GHGs) dynamics in terrestrial ecosystem, Response to environmental change in alpine ecosystem: species, community and ecosystem components
ISHII Atsushi Professor Master/Doctor
ISODA Hiroko Professor Master/Doctor Food science Cell biology
KAIDA Naoko Associate Professor Master/Doctor Environmental Psychology, Pro-Environmental Behavior
KAJIYAMA Mikio Associate Professor Master Polymer Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Material Science
KAMAE Yoichi Assistant Professor Master/Doctor Global climate variability and change
KAMIJO Takashi Professor Master ECOLOGY, Forestry/Forest Engineering
KATO Hiroaki Associate Professor Master Environmental Radioactivity
KAWADA Kiyokazu Assistant Professor Master/Doctor(*) Environmental Agriculture, Ecology/Environment, Living Organisms Diversity/Classification, Resource Maintenance Studies, Geography
KOBAYASHI Motoyoshi Associate Professor Master/Doctor
LEI Zhongfang Associate Professor Master/Doctor Fundamental, mechanism and design of newly developed technologies for waste(water) treatment and resource recycling
LIN Bin-Le Cooperative Professor Master/Doctor(Cooperative) Environmental risk assessment, Environmental ecology (modeling and simulation), Water treatment technology and Water quality management
MAEDA Yoshiaki Associate Professor Master/Doctor Applied Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genome Science, Biotechnology
MASUMOTO Shota Assistant Professor Master/Doctor community and ecosystem components,Microbiology
MATSUI Kenichi Associate Professor Master/Doctor Human Geography, History of Thought, Western History
MATSUSHITA Bunkei Associate Professor Master Environmental Dynamic Analysis
MIYAMAE Yusaku Associate Professor Master/Doctor Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Food Functionality
MIZUNOYA Takeshi Associate Professor Master/Doctor Environmental economics, Environmental policy, Comprehensive evaluation by simulation analysis
MURAKAMI Akinobu Professor Master/Doctor landscape planning
Nagakubo Toshiki Assistant Professor Master/Doctor Applied Microbiology
NAGASHIMA Tatsuya Cooperative Associate Professor Master/Doctor(Cooperative) Regional air pollution,global warming,stratospheric ozone
NASAHARA Kenlo Associate Professor Master/Doctor remote sensing, ecology, watershed management, disaster management
NOMURA Nobuhiko Professor Master/Doctor Bacterial cell-cell communication and bacterial biofilm
OMORI Yuko Assistant Professor Master/Doctor
ONDA Yuichi Professor Master/Doctor Geography, Natural Disaster Science, Forest Science
SAKAGUCHI Aya Associate Professor Master/Doctor Environmental radiochemistry
Scheduled to retire in March 2025.
Cooperative Associate Professor Master/Doctor(Cooperative) Air pollution,global warming
SUGIMOTO Takuya Assistant Professor Master/Doctor Rural environmental engineering/Planning
SUGITA Michiaki Professor Master Hydrology, Boundary Layer Meteorology (Mongolia, Nile Delta, Lake Kasumigaura)
SUNOHARA Yukari Associate Professor Master Crop production science, Pesticide chemistry, Natural product chemistry, Biostimulant
SUZUKI Iwane Professor Master/Doctor Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology, Molecular biology
TAKAHASHI Junko Assistant Professor Master(*) Environmental dynamic analysis, Plant nutrition/Soil science, Forest science
TAKAHASHI Shinya Associate Professor Master/Doctor Risk sciences of radiation and chemicals, Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology, Environmental impact assessment, Algae biomass
TAKAMI Akinori
Scheduled to retire in March 2025.
Cooperative Professor Master/Doctor(Cooperative) 1.Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Aerosol, Atmospheric Air Pollution, trans boundary air pollution
TAMURA Kenji Professor Master Soil Science, Environmental Science, Environmental Education
TOYOFUKU Masanori Associate Professor Master/Doctor Microbiology
TSUJIMURA Maki Professor Master/Doctor Hydrology, Water Environment, Water Resources, Groundwater Hydrology, Sustainable Groundwater-Surface Water Integrated Management
UCHIDA Taro Professor Master/Doctor Natural disaster prevention
UTSUMI Motoo Professor Master/Doctor Aquatic Biogeochemistry and Engineering
YABAR Helmut Associate Professor Master/Doctor Environmental Engineering and Management
YAMAJI Keiko Professor Master/Doctor Environmental Technology/Environmental Material/Chemical Ecology
YAMAKAWA Yosuke Assistant Professor Maste/Doctor(*) Forest science
YAMAMOTO Sachiko Associate Professor Master/Doctor Architectural and Regional Planning
YAMASHITA Yuji Assistant Professor Master/Doctor Rural environmental engineering/Planning
YOKOI Tomoyuki Assistant Professor Maste/Doctor Animal Ecology, Conservation Ecology, Behavioural Ecology
YUAN Tian Assistant Professor Maste/Doctor Environmental engineering and reduction of environmental burden