浅沼 順大気—陸面相互作用、大気現象と水循環の関わり、都市の水循環
内海 真生海底および陸域の微生物群集機能解析と物質循環
内田 太郎土石流、砂防、斜面水文、土砂災害
鈴木 石根植物分子・生理科学、分子生物学、遺伝・染色体動態、生態・環境
辻村 真貴大気—陸面相互作用、大気現象と水循環の関わり、都市の水循環
廣田 充陸域生態系における炭素循環および地球温暖化ガス動態、高山生態系における地球環境変化の影響評価
山路 恵子植物と根圏微生の化学的相互作用
甲斐田 直子環境政策、環境経済
ヘルムート ヤバール廃棄物管理政策、 廃棄物管理計画
前田 義昌分子生物学、ゲノム科学、生物工学、微細藻類を用いた有用物質生産と環境浄化
松井 健一環境倫理
水野谷 剛環境技術・政策の総合評価、数値シミュレーション、環境経済政策
雷 中方エコシステム工学手法を用いた廃水浄化技術の開発
大森 裕子海洋微生物を通した炭素循環、海洋環境における有機物の動態
釜江 陽一大気・海洋・陸面間の水・エネルギーバランス
Professor Dr.
Mohamed Mahmoud El-Sayed NasefNanofibers and application, Ion Exchange Materials, Adsorption and Reaction Engineering, Green Processes, Fuel Cell
Professor Dr.
Muhamad Ali Bin Muhammad YuzirControl of pollutants in the environment primarily in relation to domestic and industrial wastewater treatment
Professor Dr.
Tomoya TsujiChemical Engineering Thermodybnamics, Measurement and Prediction of Phase Equilibrium, Application of Equation of State, Design of Apparatus for High pressure PVT
Professor Dr.
Siti Hamidah Binti Mohd SetaparSeparation processes, Extraction, Liquid-liquid extraction, Micellar nanotechnology, Bioproduct development, Cosmeceutical, Food security
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Koji IwamotoPlant Physiology, Biochemistry, Phycology, Algal Biomass, Applied Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr.
Azilah Binti Abdul AzizChemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Controlled Delivery of Active Ingredients
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Aznah Binti Nor AnuarWastewater treatment, Biogranular sludge system
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Norhayati Binti AbdullahIndustrial Wastewater treatment, Aerobic granulation, Environmental Engineering, Palm Oil mill effluent
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Roshafima Rasit AliAntimicrobial smart packaging, Biopolymer film for green packaging, Natural based biocomposites, Ion-exchange membranes
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Shaza Eva MohamadBiotransformation, Molecular Biology, Biodegradation, Biofuel from Biomasss, Microalgae
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr.
Liew Peng YenProcess System Engineering, Process Integration, Resource and Energy Conservation
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr.
Dayang Norulfairuz Abang ZaidelEnzymatic processes, carbohydrate chemistry, food hydrocolloids, food rheology, functional food
Senior Lecturer Ts. Dr.
Abd Halim Bin Md AliNon-thermal plasma, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Plasma chemistry, Environmental engineering, Gas conversion, Plasma catalysis, Agricultural waste management and safety and health
Senior Lecturer Ts. Dr.
Vekes BalasundramHeterogeneous Catalysis, Reaction Engineering, Biomass Conversion, Plastic Waste Conversion, Biofuels, Pyrolysis Kinetics, Process Modelling and Analysis using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Fazrena Nadia Md AkhirCarcinogenesis, Antioxidants, Melanoma, Immunology
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Faizah binti Che RosFlood modeling, Dam Safety, Hydrological analysis & modelling, Suspended sediment & discharge analysis, Development of integrated modeling systems
Senior Lecturer Ir. Dr.
Tan Lian SeeAdsorption technology
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Khairunnisa Binti Mohd PaadEnvironmental Sciences (wastewater, atmospheric, pollution and health-care), Nano-synthesis and nano-engineering, instrumental design and simulation, Engineering education
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Zatil Izzah Binti Ahmad TarmiziMaterial Chemistry, Biochemistry, Functional Polymeric Material
Senior Lecturer Ir. Ts. Dr.
Kiew Peck LooWastewater treatment, Extraction of bioactive compounds from wastes/natural resources, Bioplastics synthesis
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Liew Wai LoanWastewater treatment processes, High rate biological systems, Materials engineering (wastes conversion/recovery), Experimental design and process optimization, Environmental microbiology, Environmental impacts modelling, Environmental processes modelling, Wastewater, Biological wastewater treatment, Environmental biotechnology
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Mariam Firdaus Binti Mad NordinWaste to wealth product, Separation process, Agricultural based product, Downstream process, Herbal extract
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Nabilah Binti ZainiAdsorption technology
Senior Lecturer Ts. Dr.
Nor Ruwaida binti JamianAir pollution control, Air resources, Environment, Environmental pollution
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Norhuda Binti Abdul ManafProcess System Engineering, Energy and Environmental Sustainability, Frontier Material, Carbon Capture and Utilization, Renewable Energy
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Nurfatehah Wahyuny Binti Che JusohSynthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles, Photocatalytic, Adsorption, Wastewater treatment
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Nurul Bahiyah Binti Ahmad KhairudinMolecular Simulations, Structual Bioinformatics
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Pramila a/p TamunaiduProcess System Engineering, Process Integration, Resource and Energy Conservation
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Shuib Bin RambatRemote sensing, Facility Management, Maintenance Management, Maintenance Planning
Senior Lecturer Dr.
Nurul Zainab binti AlongDisaster Risk Management, Community based Disaster Risk Reduction, Indigenous Local Knowledge